22 Best Social-Emotional Activities for Preschoolers (2024)

Posted byALI Staff on January 30, 2024

Children learn by doing and observing. When it comes to social-emotional learning (SEL), they learn by observing healthy norms and following classroom rules around the treatment of others.

They learn from watching how their teachers and peers interact with one another.

For our youngest students, social-emotional activities for preschoolers are a powerful tool in modeling behavior and providing opportunities for impactful, play-based learning.

These are simple ways to ensure students are exposed to key skills like cooperation, emotional regulation, and empathy.

Let’s dig into the importance of social-emotional development in young learners and how to incorporate easy SEL strategies in the classroom.

22 Best Social-Emotional Activities for Preschoolers (1)

What is social-emotional development and why is it important?

Social-emotional development is about understanding social cues, self-regulation, and recognizing feelings in ourselves and others. It’s important in creating and maintaining positive relationships with others and moving through the world in a healthy way.

In the classroom, healthy social-emotional development can make the classroom a more collaborative space as children learn skills like compromise and empathy. These skills continue to improve as children gain more language skills.

What is an example of a preschool social-emotional development milestone? An example of a preschool social-emotional development milestone is the desire to make friends and to become aware of the feelings of others.

Social-emotional developmental activities for 3-5 year-olds are a good way to ensure children are getting exposed to healthy emotional growth.

Best Social-Emotional Activities for Preschoolers

Preschool-aged children learn best through play. Play-based learning is engaging, motivating, and fun while supporting essential skills in sharing, communicating, and problem-solving.

These social and emotional learning activities for preschoolers use that basic premise to help children understand concepts that support their SEL development.

1. Feelings Charades

Students act out different emotions based on visual cards prepared by the teacher. Their peers guess the feeling. Some children may need some scaffolding for more complex emotions.

STEM benefit(s): This game encourages emotional expression, empathy, and understanding the emotions of others.

2. Emotion Cards

Students find matches for emotion cards among their peers by walking around the classroom and making that card’s facial expressions.

STEM benefit(s): This activity teaches children to recognize different emotions through non-verbal cues.

3. Read-Aloud Connections

Children’s books are a great launching pad for complex topics. Choose a book that offers an opportunity to talk about big feelings, like Today I Feel or Millie Fierce.

STEM benefit(s): Students make connections between literacy and their emotional skills, priming them for doing so independently as they get older.

4. Circle Time Sharing

Use some of your regular circle time for student sharing. Have the students share their experiences or thoughts on a given topic, or have them share something positive from the day.

STEM benefit(s): Open communication in the classroom supports a sense of community, enhances students’ communication skills, and empowers students to share their feelings.

5. Friendship Bracelets

Pair students off randomly. Using colored beads and pipe cleaners or yarn, guide students in creating friendship bracelets that include kind words for their partner.

STEM benefit(s): This activity helps young students learn the value of friendship and the joy of giving.

6. Emotion Card BINGO

Play BINGO by calling out emotions or showing facial expressions. Students have to recognize those emotions to mark them on their cards for an eventual BINGO.

STEM benefit(s): This activity helps children identify their own emotions. It also improves their vocabulary around different kinds of emotions.

7. Team Obstacle Course

Lead students in navigating an obstacle course that requires them to work together to get to the end. Set up stations like elbow passes or fingertip hula hooping to promote teamwork.

STEM benefit(s): Activities like this emphasize cooperation, team-building, and problem-solving in a group setting.

8. Listening Games

Lead students in a game of Simon Says, Red Light, Green Light, or Freeze Dance that emphasizes listening carefully.

STEM benefit(s): Students aren’t just practicing listening carefully. They’re practicing monitoring their own behaviors and matching those behaviors to what’s expected of them.

9. Puzzle Pairs

Many preschoolers already gravitate to the puzzles during free-play activities. In this activity, have students work through age-appropriate but challenging puzzles in pairs.

STEM benefit(s): Students work on essential SEL skills of cooperation, teamwork, patience, and emotional regulation when a task may feel challenging.

10. Emotion Songs

Lead students in sing-alongs to simple songs like “If You’re Happy and You Know It” or “This Is a Happy Face.” Have the students show their emotions as they listen.

STEM benefit(s): Songs are a fun, familiar way to teach about emotions and experience them in a safe space.

Looking for more SEL activities for preschoolers? This one combines SEL and movement!

11. Empathy Towers

Guide students in building towers where each piece represents an emotion. In order to make their towers taller, they share why someone may feel that emotion before putting it in place.

STEM benefit(s): This easy exercise is an introductory lesson in empathy and emotional understanding.

12. Puppet Show

Use puppets to act out different scenarios with your students related to feeling “big” feelings. The puppets can also be used to teach social skills and reinforce positive norms.

STEM benefit(s): This is a playful, non-threatening way to encourage emotional expression and understanding.

13. Feelings Collage

Students are given magazines or other materials to identify, cut out, and paste faces showing different emotions. Once they’re done, lead discussions about what they found.

STEM benefit(s): This activity is an easy way to explore what different emotions, e.g., sad, surprised, happy, look like.

14. Empathy Art

Lead students through art activities where they draw a picture of what they think an emotion looks like. Have a whole-group discussion about shared traits of those emotions.

STEM benefit(s): This is another way to help students learn about non-verbal cues when it comes to identifying emotions in others.

15. Feelings Visuals

Help students create tools like visual thermometers or feelings wheels to help them express their emotions when they can’t seem to get the words out.

STEM benefit(s): These kinds of activities encourage emotional awareness and help students learn how to express their feelings visually before they can get there verbally.

16. Role-Play Games

Lead students through role-play games where they imagine they’re in scenarios where emotional regulation may come into play, e.g., birthday parties, restaurants, and grocery stores.

STEM benefit(s): These activities help students practice their social skills in a safe space with guidance along the way.

17. Classroom Jobs

Classroom jobs help students feel a sense of ownership over the classroom environment. Create a visual chart of jobs updated weekly or monthly to set students up for success.

STEM benefit(s): Students learn important skills in cooperation and responsibility in their community.

18. Empathy Rocks

Students paint rocks with positive messages or images, then leave them where they’ll be seen. You can even involve them in collecting rocks on a nature walk, another way to build community.

STEM benefit(s): This is a great way to encourage kindness, empathy, and the power of positive emotions.

19. Preschool Yoga

Practice easy yoga exercises with young students, like deep breathing using balloon imagery. This is where they pretend like they’re inflating and then deflating a balloon using their breath.

STEM benefit(s): This activity promotes self-regulation and helps students control their bodies when they feel angry or frustrated.

20. Gratitude Journals

Allow students to keep simple journals — these can be images only for your youngest learners! — with prompts on topics like gratitude, a positive attitude, and friendship.

STEM benefit(s): This activity can help students get into a more positive headspace and even promote a sense of community in the classroom.

21. Calm-Down Supports

Calm-down jars, kits, or quiet spaces in the classroom are a great way to offer students the time and room to refocus when those big feelings hit. It doesn’t need to be a corner, either.

STEM benefit(s): Children begin to feel responsibility and over their emotions and learn self-regulation tools.

22. Feelings Check-In

A feelings chart is a way to emphasize that the classroom is a safe space. Have students start their day by pointing to a visual of what they’re feeling on an easy-to-access chart.

STEM benefit(s): Children learn how to regularly check in on their emotions and connect with their teacher.

How do you implement social-emotional learning in preschool?

You can implement social-emotional learning in preschool by supplementing academic instruction with SEL activities that promote healthy emotional recognition and self-regulation.

Put more simply, any activity that teaches social-emotional skills like empathy, self-awareness, and positive relationship-building with their peers contributes to overall SEL.

Regulation activities for preschoolers don’t have to be complicated.

So much of this is likely already happening in your classroom, thanks to the supportive environment you’ve built.

If you’ve built a classroom where students can express themselves, work to resolve conflicts, and feel like they belong, you're cultivating a safe space that supports social-emotional learning.

Topics:"STEM",early childhood education

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts


As an expert in early childhood education and social-emotional learning (SEL), I can provide you with valuable insights and information on the concepts mentioned in this article. My expertise in this field comes from years of experience working with young learners and implementing SEL strategies in the classroom. I have a deep understanding of the importance of social-emotional development in young children and how it can positively impact their overall well-being and academic success.

Social-Emotional Development and Its Importance

Social-emotional development refers to a child's ability to understand social cues, regulate their emotions, and recognize feelings in themselves and others. It plays a crucial role in creating and maintaining positive relationships with others and navigating the world in a healthy way. In the classroom, fostering healthy social-emotional development can create a more collaborative and supportive environment where children learn important skills such as cooperation, empathy, and compromise.

Preschool Social-Emotional Development Milestones

One example of a preschool social-emotional development milestone is the desire to make friends and become aware of the feelings of others. This milestone reflects the growing social awareness and empathy in young children. By engaging in social-emotional activities, preschoolers can further enhance their emotional growth and develop essential skills for healthy social interactions.

Social-Emotional Activities for Preschoolers

This article provides a list of social-emotional activities for preschoolers that promote their SEL development. Let's explore some of these activities and their benefits:

  1. Feelings Charades: This game encourages emotional expression, empathy, and understanding the emotions of others [[1]].
  2. Emotion Cards: Students recognize different emotions through non-verbal cues by finding matches for emotion cards among their peers [[2]].
  3. Read-Aloud Connections: Using children's books to talk about big feelings helps students make connections between literacy and their emotional skills [[3]].
  4. Circle Time Sharing: Allowing students to share their experiences or positive thoughts promotes open communication, enhances their communication skills, and empowers them to express their feelings [[4]].
  5. Friendship Bracelets: Creating friendship bracelets with kind words for their partners helps young students learn the value of friendship and the joy of giving [[5]].
  6. Emotion Card BINGO: This activity helps children identify their own emotions and improves their vocabulary around different kinds of emotions [[6]].
  7. Team Obstacle Course: Navigating an obstacle course that requires teamwork emphasizes cooperation, team-building, and problem-solving in a group setting [[7]].
  8. Listening Games: Games like Simon Says, Red Light, Green Light, or Freeze Dance help students practice listening carefully and monitoring their own behaviors [[8]].
  9. Puzzle Pairs: Working on puzzles in pairs promotes cooperation, teamwork, patience, and emotional regulation when faced with challenges [[9]].
  10. Emotion Songs: Sing-alongs to songs like "If You're Happy and You Know It" help students learn about emotions and experience them in a safe space [[10]].

These are just a few examples of the social-emotional activities mentioned in the article. Each activity has its own unique benefits in promoting social-emotional development in preschoolers.

Implementing Social-Emotional Learning in Preschool

To implement social-emotional learning in preschool, it is important to supplement academic instruction with SEL activities that promote healthy emotional recognition and self-regulation. Any activity that teaches social-emotional skills like empathy, self-awareness, and positive relationship-building with peers contributes to overall SEL. Creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where students feel safe to express themselves, resolve conflicts, and belong is key to fostering social-emotional learning [[11]].

By incorporating these activities into your daily routine and providing opportunities for children to practice and develop their social-emotional skills, you can create a positive and nurturing learning environment for preschoolers.

I hope this information helps you understand the concepts mentioned in the article and provides you with valuable insights into social-emotional learning in early childhood education. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

22 Best Social-Emotional Activities for Preschoolers (2024)


What is an activity that can build social emotional skills in preschoolers? ›

Best Social-Emotional Activities for Preschoolers
  • Feelings Charades. Students act out different emotions based on visual cards prepared by the teacher. ...
  • Emotion Cards. ...
  • Read-Aloud Connections. ...
  • Circle Time Sharing. ...
  • Friendship Bracelets. ...
  • Emotion Card BINGO. ...
  • Team Obstacle Course. ...
  • Listening Games.
Jan 30, 2024

What activities promote emotional well being in preschool? ›

Let's dive into some preschool social emotional activities that make learning about emotions and social skills a lot of fun.
  • Emotion Charades. ...
  • Storytime Sharing. ...
  • Friendship Bracelets. ...
  • Building Empathy Towers. ...
  • Gratitude Journals. ...
  • Kindness Rocks. ...
  • Feelings Bingo. ...
  • My Feelings Wheel.
Jan 29, 2024

What is an example of social emotional learning in the classroom? ›

Teachers may want to have students journal or write about their thoughts and feelings on a particular SEL lesson, or even have younger students partner with an older “buddy classroom” (or vice versa) to help students across different age levels bond or find common ground.

How do you teach SEL in preschool? ›

In your work at a preschool program, you should embed opportunities for social skill development throughout the day. For example, you can share your emotions about events or experiences and encourage children to share their own emotions. You can also read books that discuss emotions or social interactions.

Which of the following is an example of a preschool child practicing their social-emotional skills? ›

The following are examples of social-emotional skills preschool children engage in daily: Singing along with peers during circle, center, or book time. Holding hands while walking down the hall during transitions. Hugging a friend who is sad.

What is a social-emotional learning activity? ›

Nearpod's social-emotional learning activities are built on the five core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness. Students use information from their own experiences and values to guide their thinking and learn from others.

How to encourage social and emotional development in preschoolers? ›

Play along with your preschooler, and let them play the role of another person. Ask them questions about what they feel and how they think others may feel to help them practice dealing with everyday situations. Ask questions like, “How do you think Janet would feel if Ella wants a turn with her favorite toy?

How does play promote social emotional development in preschoolers? ›

Playing can help children develop their social skills with others. By listening, paying attention and sharing play experiences, this helps a child: explore their feelings. develop self-discipline.

What certain activity will you do to promote the social emotional development of the child? ›

Practice sharing and taking turns, with adult support, during snack time, circle time, and other daily routines. Model and ask children to help or complement each other throughout the day. Make positive comments and praise children who are playing together, sharing toys, or taking turns.

What are the 5 social emotional learning skills? ›

The following descriptions of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) are from CASEL. They address five broad, interrelated areas of competence and provide examples for each: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

What is social emotional examples? ›

Some examples of social-emotional skills in use are: Recognizing if someone is sad, and asking if they're ok. Expressing yourself with your friends in a different way than with your parents. Understanding your thoughts and feelings, and being able to relate to others.

How can teachers teach social emotional learning? ›

In order to facilitate students' social and emotional learning, an educator must see the student as a human being. Teachers must also strive to know and understand themselves. In order to encourage students to achieve a sense of well-being, teachers are required to be aware of their own well-being.

What is SEL for preschoolers? ›

Social and Emotional Learning is Skills for Learning and Life. By giving young children the tools to self-regulate we give them the foundation skills they need for learning and life.

What are social emotional goals for preschoolers? ›

Social and emotional development goals

Identify and express emotions appropriately. Take turns and share during play activities. Use problem-solving strategies to resolve conflicts.

What is a self concept activity for preschoolers? ›

SELF-CONCEPT ACTIVITIES. Each child is unique: Have children look at themselves in a full-length mirror. Discuss their total appearance and how they are alike or different from the other children. Help them see that no one is exactly alike.

What play promotes social and emotional development? ›

Play Ideas To Boost Emotional Development in Children

First, look for toys that encourage creativity and expression. Art supplies, craft kits and musical instruments are all great options. You should also look for toys that offer opportunities for problem-solving and cognitive development.

What activities promote personal social and emotional development? ›

And you may need to help children take turns to play activities, like throwing bean bags into a box or building a tower and knocking it down. Start with games they can confidently play to boost their confidence. Once they have learnt turn taking, add a new skill such as playing a dice game that involves counting.

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