Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (2024)

Hi there! I'd like to make an application to your guild, so here goes:


Race and Class:
Blood Elf Rogue

Armory Link:

Spec that you're applying as: (Please include links to WOL logs of your recent performances)
Well, currently I'm combat due to the weapons I have, but honestly, I'd prefer Assassination, as that suits my play style more.
I don't have a WOL log, as it is not something I have been using before.

Do you have an off spec? How good is your off spec gear?
Technically yes, but seeing as offspec / main spec gear is pretty much the same for a rogue, I think it's irrelevant Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (1)

Are you happy to respec and play to other specs if needed?:
Aye though again, it's not really relevant for my class Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (2)

What glyphs do you use and why?
I use Adrenaline Rush, as it is one of the few glyphs that actually benefits more on the whole.
Other than that, I use assorted glyphs, as the situation requires, usually Sprint as the extra movement speed often comes in handy and the last glyph is entirely dependent on the situation (Deadly Momentum is semi-decent in smaller dungeons, brilliant while soloing, and not so much while raiding, where I'd exchange it for e.g. Glyph of Feint to increase the effectiveness (duration) of my AoE protection.

/Played time on your character:
4 Days total Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (3)
Explanation: I've had multiple rogues during my WoW "career" though other classes have often taken my fancy. After my break during Cataclysm I got a Scroll of Resurrection, which I used to get a new rogue (this one).

What professions do you have? Why did you pick those professions?
I have Engineering and Blacksmithing.
Engineering for the fun gadgets / the situational stuff.
Blacksmithing for the extra sockets which, come the epic gems (assuming they come at some point Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (4)), will provide a larger benefit than the other professions.

Do you have any alts you can bring in guild aswell? Armory Link (If your alt is 90 lvl).
Tonnes Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (5)
Lv90 'lock, Lilithina:
Lv90 Monk, Ishivia:
Lv90 Paladin, Jazaina:
Lv90 Hunter, Puttepanda:

Personal Information

Your Name:

Age & Gender:
I'm a 22 year old man

Where are you located?:
Copenhagen, Denmark

Why do you wish to join Dissolution?:
I'd really like to get back into raiding, as WoW is kind of boring without it - And LFR just doesn't cut it! Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (6)

Describe your internet connection and computer (inc net speed & download limit):
Both are high-end and stable - that being said, I'm living at a dormitory, so occasionally my interwebz might go down (It has happened once in the 6 months I've lived there, so it's rare! Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (7))

Are you able to take criticism without causing a fuss?
I'm assuming you mean constructive critisim, in which case, yes, absolutely.

Have you ever taken a break from World of Warcraft and why?:
Aye, I have - I had a long break during Cataclysm (from around Firelands release 'till a few weeks before the pre-MoP patch) mainly due to the fact that I was in the Army, and thus hadn't time to play.

How much longer do you see yourself playing WoW?

I see no end in the foreseeable future, there's not really any other more interesting game on the horizon, and I'm a gamer at heart, so quitting for nothing is not really an option Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (8)

Raiding Information

Previous Guilds/Current Guild: (Include reason for leaving/desire to leave)
The last "actual" guild I've been in was a casual raid guild with my irl friends (GærMafiaen on Sunstrider) during the start of Cataclysm, it disbanded due to several members stopping playing. Currently I'm in the social guild Divine Solitude with my friend Nightbreaker, who're also applying to your guild atm Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (9)

What was your guild rank? (gm, officer, member etc)
In Gærmafiaen I had the rank of Officer / Co-raid leader, though that rank held little importance, as we were composed of friends.
Ranks doesn't really have any say in DS currently, as we're not raiding Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (10)

What pre TBC, BC, WOTLK, Cata, MOP raiding experience do you have?
Okay here goes:
Molten Core: Cleared when it was current content
BWL: Cleared when it was current content
ZG: Cleared when it was current content
AQ20: Cleared when it was current content
AQ40: Cleared up 'till Huhuran when it was current content

Karazhan: Cleared when it was current content
Gruul's Lair: Cleared when it was current content
SSC: A few bosses down (can't remember exactly who)
TK: 3 first bosses down
Mt. Hyjal: First 3 bosses down
BT: Didn't raid during BT
Sunwell: Didn't raid it
Naxx: Cleared when it was current content (10 and 25 man)
Ulduar: Cleared when it was current content (10 and 25 man)
TotC: Cleared when it was current content (10 and 25 man)
ICC: Cleared with the exception of a few of the last bosses, when it was current content (10 and 25 man)
BWD: 4/6 with GærMafiaen
BoT: 2/4 with GærMafiaen
After that, I didn't really raid anymore during Cata.
MSV: 5/6 mixed Normal and Heroic
HoF: 4/6 mixed Normal and Heroic
ToeS: 0/4
ToT: 0/12
Not including LFR, as that obviously doesn't count.

Can you move out of fire/void zones on the ground in less than .001 sec?
It's pretty essential to raiding, and have been for ages, so aye, I can do that Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (11)

Can you make all our raid nights?
Usually it shouldn't be a problem at all, though some sundays might not be ideal, but it shouldn't be that often.

During raid, is it likely that you may need to go afk for dinner or similar at all? Are you an adult in control of your own playtime or is it dictated for you?
Dinner? I don't eat! Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (12)
On a serious note, that won't be a problem at all.

Link to a screenshot of your Raid UI (In combat if possible),

It's still very much a W.I.P. as I'm trying to find a UI that's clean, good looking and only having the essentials.

Describe your key bindings and rotation.
My rotation is (as combat) pretty much as described on Icy Veins; Keeping Revealing Strike up, casting SS to dump energy / build CPs.
Keeping up Slice and Dice and Rupture, mixing in Eviscerates as CP dumps.
My keybinds is focused around keys around the movement keys, using the ALT key in conjunction with said keys to expand on the number of keybinds availible. I have a few functions bound to my mouse sidebuttons aswell, though they're not major.

What addons do you use?
As said above, it's still a WIP, but the most important ones are DBM, Recount, TellMeWhen and a unit frame addon (currently ElvUi, but I'm considering replacing it with Xperl).

Are you willing to download/use all the necessary addons that are requied to raid with us?

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may not always have a raid spot?
Of course, there's a limited number of raid spots, so naturally no one can be in every raid.

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may have to go on alt during progression/farm raids?

Do you have the habit of reading up on all new encounters? Do you stay up to date with class changes?
I like to keep up to date with my class (well all classes) and with new content, and raiding without knowing fights is just straight out uncomfortable, and as such I read up before raids.

Other Information

Are you ok with golds? Can you afford repair + flask + pots?
Aye, it's no problem at all.

Do you have Mumble installed and a working microphone?
I sure do.

Can you speak and understand English to a good level?

Average Latency and FPS during raiding?
Both are smooth - Around 20-30 MS and 30-60+ FPS (depending on several factors)

How did you get information about Dissolution?
Through my friends Nightbreaker and Nikeespank

What sets you apart from other members of your class? (Describe yourself as a player).
I'm a very versatile player, and adapts quickly to changes and in general have a good knowledge of how every class in the game is played. Furthermore I read up on, and keep up to date with my classes, and as such ensures that my skills are up to date and that I'm playing my class to it's fullest.

What would you bring to Dissolution as a guild?
I'd bring a dedicated and friendly raider, who're a quick learner and as such able to understand and execute new tactics relatively fast and easy.

What would you expect from Dissolution as a guild?
I'd expect to explore what ever new (PvE / Raid)content WoW has to offer, in a friendly environment, without any drama during "wipe"nights while progressing - Wiping is as much a part of progressing, as getting the kill.

Have you read, and do you agree to, the guild policy?
Aye, I have, and I can agree with the policy, as I would use similar rules, were I to create a guild.

Anything in particular you feel you should add to your application?:
Not that I can think of, currently Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (13)

Chartin Rogue Application [Accepted] (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.